Friends, Main Demands 5 Immediate action to change the Designation from TTA to Junior Engineer Telecom (JET). Its is certainly a good news that the committee has been finally formed to look into our one of the main demands and Sh Hakam Singh is member of that comm,so we have got a chance to impress the comm members in favour of our demand with some good justifications. Why we are demading for Junior Engg deisgnation when actually no SENIOR or even a ENGINEER post exists in the present organistional structure of BSNL(Just above us are the JTOs ,Junior Telecom Officer). I suppose we are demanding this designation because from the very beginning we have seen JEs working in govt departments, making a lot of money and commanding considerable power,authority and also great degree of respect in the society.Any one who is a diploma wants to be a JE.and the society also knows a diploma engg by the name of JE.And if its not a JE than its just anything. In BSNL a TTA has not the same authority or the power that JE enjoys in say RAILWAYS,PWD, PHED etc.we are not even a supervisory cadre,Do you think that changing the designation only would make any effect on all this? It would certainly boost our morale and status,and we would have no difficulty explaining others that we are afterall Engineer. But will it actually reflect the nature of job and services that we are providing?I donot think so. BSNL is a service industry which provides "SERVICES".Its not a manufacturing industry. So our demnd of Junior Engineer does not goes well,I think.Very few PSU have the .Many of the TTAs are posted in CCN ,broadband,switch, lease line etc,and also sales team .Think of the scene when a JE(T) visits a subscriber premises,or a attending a complain and introducing himself as a Junior Engineer from BSNL Instead we can demand of designation as TELECOM ENGINEER or ENGINEER (services) and the word services can be replaces with the section in which the official is posted.likeTELECOM ENGINEER or ENGINEER (broadband), ENGINEER (switch),ENGINEER (transmission) .This designation is self explainatory and needs no further elaboration as what actually one is dealing with. We can aslo demand that this be made a supervisory cadre with different pay and promotional avenues, it should be different from the promotee TTAs not having diploma.. I think that BSNL is trying to restructure its buisness and HR ina major way on recommendations of THE BOSTON GROUP and all this is a part of that exercise only.So the management would not like to revert or stick to govt department's hierarcial structure anymore.It would like to project itself and its workforce in a more aggresive way,becuase sonner than later it will come with IPO,and it would like to project itsef as TELECOM COMPANY rather than a govt department or extension of that. Or this suggestion may be used as backup plan if our demand of JE doesnot bears any fruit. VIKAS KUMAR GUPTA TTA,RANCHI,JKD |
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