Thursday, May 21, 2009

Re: [TTABSNL] Re: We are differing from our primary goal

Dear Anish

I can understand your feeling and I admire the instinct in you.

"All need salary. No one is ready to comment about my expression."


On Yahoo group Technical discussion to some extent is obvious but I agree with you that this is not the time for Tech Discussion.We are realy differing from our Primary Goal.

and we should not be childish to get influenced by others factors.

But recently I didn't see much discussion on yahoo group for any Strong action.


Criticizing BSNLEU will it work for us? We are Alliance Partner of it and for next 2 years they don't need us. It is our duty to get the work done from these people.


Our CHQ is fighting hard for us I don't think these people can able to sleep well.

I really appreciate them for their outstanding dedication they are just out of this world.

But friend what we are doing friend? I am also no different from you

but Don't you think we should help them?


Yes We need a different job culture because we know we deserve it but it wont exist anywhere particularly in Non Executive it is no where.

About Payments Yes we need more cause same we deserve it, just look around your old friends they may have got this pay figure much early in their life.

Pay scale revision don't come daily it is a matter after 10 years and mgmt views for non executive are not so good and again Difference between Exec and Non Exec will increase too much which is also wrong and we should not accept it to show our protest Strike is the only way was left now its differed so leave it.


Now getting beyond of every thing to build our Association more powerful we should start thinking in different way to find out some way some solution to become JTO.


Now IR amount is disbursed it is around 32000.

In Nasik Maharashtra we are thinking about voluntarily Contribution which is apart from Yearly subscription which  we may need for the forthcoming Court cases.


This is the high time for action friends.


Anyway while sharing with you if I mistakenly heart anybody then I really apologies for that.


With regards …

Nitin Pohare (Nashik Maharashtra)


From: ann <>
Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2009 10:39:24 AM
Subject: [TTABSNL] Re: We are differing from our primary goal

Why you people are not interested in our company matter ? All need salary. No one is ready to comment about my expression.

--- In TTABSNL@yahoogroups .com, "ann" <anishvargheese@ ...> wrote:
> I think we are differing from our primary goal by the influance of EU. Because till some days ago, our main topic of discussion is about becoming executives in BSNL. But now it's only about wage revision and Strike. Like many friends say, what you people do if you are in a PVT company. Did you go for a strike ? Did you think you will be on service after a strike against the management ?
> Many time I post here that, we need a different job culture. It will be totally different than present DoT people have. Most of the DoT people are saying that, BSNL is a sinking ship. It will sink soon - I think that's the reason that are trying to take as more as they can from the ship having huge tressure. In our case, most of us have more than 30 years of service. So we have more responsibility than that DoT people have. If we strike for 2 days, any one think about what is the loss our company have ? what our comtomers think about our company ? what is our reputation in our customers ? We will definitly get our revised salary. No one can stop it. Then why we need to strike ? Already most of us getting total salary of more than Rs.500/- per day. It's not a bad one. I think it's enough for a small family ( I don't know more about it. Because I am not married)
> Even now no one in BSNL think about us or hear anything from us. If we also strike like DoT people, then no one never try to hear anything from us. The main goal for us is getting more acceptability from higher officers. Last week, our AGM say that, BSNL is posting more than 3000 JTOs only for improving BSNLs performance. Already we have more employees than require. From this, we can read the minds of our officials. We have no value in BSNL only because we are non executives.
> Many of us have nice ideas to improve BSNLs performance. But no one is ready to hear from us. So we should try to become executives (atleast without any special powers). I think that will improve our status in BSNL. Also need a venue for presenting our ideas to our superior officers. EU people never help us to achive these goals. Because they can't accept TTAs becoming executives. They are trying to grow the union not BSNL or TTAs. Most of our superior officers are in favour of EU. I personally know some of them. I didn't like to post more info about it here. So we never going to achive our goals through EU. We need to find some other ways.
> We never accept strike for more salary etc. No one can stop our revesion.
> One word to mods. Don't try to sencer anything from the post. If you people are in favour of TTAs and BSNL and you people are interested in good faith of BSNL and TTAs, you should approve the post as in the present condition. Otherwise I will send the same to all TTAs in the group personally by collecting e-mail IDs.


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